Vision 2032 – Stockholm Golf Club

The course was inaugurated in 1932 and as a club we have both the responsibility and the honor of caring for its cultural heritage. In 2032 the course will celebrate it’s 100th year and the preparations have already begun.

Harry Colt was one of the best golf course architects of his time and several of his courses are ranked among the best in the world. Much has happened since Harry influenced the design of Kevinge. Our vision is to manage its heritage and recreate an environment using both tradition and renewal.

The work has been carried out according to Harry Colt’s original ideas under the direction of course designer Christian Lundin.

The result was a success and brought international attention and an award of Golf Club of the Year, which is awarded by the Association of Golf Journalists, which has chosen the Golf Club of the Year since 1978.

More fun and more scenic golf

Our goal is to make golf and the golf course more fun and more beautiful with a sustainability mindset for the future.

All the bunkers on the course were rebuilt, using modern methods but in the old style. Several were recreated in the same form as they are on aerial photos from the 1940s.

Four of the greens were also rebuilt to improve, and in several cases create alternative playing opportunities. Holes 4, 7, 9 and 18.

The irrigation system has been replaced and water consumption had been reduced through smarter planning. We now have approx. 30 kilometres of new environmentally efficient water pipes.

On hole 4, we take in stormwater, which otherwise would flow directly into Edsviken untreated. The storm water is piped in, cleaned, and reused in our system.

Finally, we are careful with the vegetation that we want next to the playing surfaces where we recreate the type of plant life that dominated back in the 1930s.

The restoration process on Youtube

2 July
24 August
27 September
9 October
11 October
17 October
23 October
24 October
5 November
5 November
5 November
13 November
13 November
18 December
18 December